Saturday, 30 November 2013

golden light

Today was a gorgeous day, bright and breezy and oh so cold.  Perfect for wrapping up and having a play outdoors.  After lunch we drove to Smiths Strand, a lough shore beach close to where we live for some fresh air and an explore.

Mr F and I had a lot of fun regaling our little ones with stories of how we both visited this beach as children with our parents.  Independently of course.  We didn't meet until many years later.  It feels special to give our children the same experiences we had when we were little.

The light was beautiful turning all it touched golden.  The sun was low in the sky and already much of where we played was in shade but when the sun shone it was magical.  It has been so grey here lately we really appreciated this reprieve.

After a while we were sufficiently numb to call it a day and head home.  Back to relax by the fire.

Tonight I will be welcoming 'Mrs Christmas' back for the countdown to Christmas. The little ones can't wait. Wishing you all a cosy weekend.


I love the colours in the pictures I took today.  The combination of blues, greys and yellows is one of my favourites.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

nature in the home: autumn

Linking up with Lou for nature in the home.  An autumn posy gathered from the hedge in our garden, displayed in a old tin given to me by a family friend.  The foliage and berries are a pretty complement to the tin.

Apologies, as is usual for this season, grainy photographs on grey days.


Wednesday, 20 November 2013

lady luck

Have you ever experienced a run of exceptionally good luck.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I've been especially lucky.  I am delighted to have won not one, not two but three gorgeous blog giveaways.

So, in an effort to spread the luck and love I will be organising a little giveaway here soon.

In the meantime I just wanted to say a big thank you for my gorgeous gifts.  To Lou and Eloise for the gorgeous print and pouch.  Like many of you I really enjoy reading Lou's lovely blog and have admired Eloise's artwork forever. Her cloud print will be happily adorning my bedroom wall.

Blue Clouds, limited edition giclee print

To Dawn for the postcards and calendar featuring her beautiful photographs. Dawn's blog at home with red features more of her stunning still life photography available in her shop.  Pop over to see her.  You won't regret it.

And to Jane for this perfect print.  Jane has designed a new range of wonderful art prints for her etsy shop littleteawagon.  I was delighted to receive this one.  The little boy reminds me of my own pair of boys.  I can't wait to get it framed and on the wall.

Poster - Boy and Kite  A3 Art Print

How lucky am I?

I have waited and waited for a bright day to take my own photos but general greyness meant I had to give up.  All photos link back to their original sources.


Thursday, 14 November 2013

nature in the home: autumn

I've really missed Lou's nature in the home series and was delighted it returned again for autumn and winter. However, I have been a little distracted lately, so this is my first contribution this time around.

Leaves from the virginia creeper which weaves its way up and across the front of our house.  I love the heart shaped leaves and vibrant red colour.  The leaves are becoming sparse, blowing around our drive so I gathered a handful and brought them indoors.

I taped them to a door in the shape of a heart.  It makes me smile every time I go into the hall.  I'm so glad I rescued a few before they are all blown away.

Joining in with the lovely Lou for nature in the home.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Mid-term, easy days spent relaxing and enjoying the freedom from school and schedules.  I relished the break from routine, timed perfectly for when we seemed to really need it.

Halloween was a lot of fun.

There were play dates with friends,
a visit to Florence Court for the Halloween Fest, 
spending most days accompanied by a little vampire, skeleton and witch,
cosying up with popcorn and films by the fire when it was too cold to go out,
baking, baking, baking ... lemon drizzle, jam sponge, fairy cakes,
oohing and aahing at the firework display on Halloween night,
long country walks on bright days.

I really love this time of year.


My photos are a random collection taken over the last week.  I have been using a camera which I really dislike.  The picture quality is hit and miss, so I am now even more determined to make an effort to use my DSLR as much as possible.


Friday, 1 November 2013

goodbye october

October is gone but certainly won't be forgotten.  It has been a stormy month, in more ways than one. The days have passed in a blur for the most part but things are calming now.

I'm looking forward to November, a month to cosy up, building energy reserves for the pandemonium ahead.

The garden is slowing down, though the general mildness of October has encouraged more grass growth.  I can't quite believe we are still mowing the lawn. 

The berries are still plentiful.  There hasn't been a cold snap to entice our feathered friends to strip the branches of their bounty.  All in good time, I wager.

My moodboard looks sparse this month.  Just a few colours.  I am particularly taken with the burgundy and green of the elderberries.  Nature really does produce the best colour palettes.

Linking up Karin and Asa.
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