Sunday, 29 June 2014

nature in the home

A hedgerow posy gathered along the lane where we live. The meadowsweet had such a heady scent I couldn't resist picking a few along with red clover, meadow vetchling, tufted vetch, common vetch and ragged robin.

The tin was found at a car boot sale this morning. I love it. The colours and shape. A pretty vase for a little bunch of wildflowers.

Joining in with Lou for nature in the home.

Saturday, 21 June 2014


Midsummer. The longest day.  And what a lovely day.

The sun shone bright, tempting us outdoors to spend the day in the garden. Picking flowers for the little fairy. She wore elderflower blossom in her hair. The boys played football long into the evening. We dined on the patio, enjoying the fresh air and a lemon cake for dessert.

A perfect solstice.  Family fun in the summer sunshine. A promise of things to come. Making memories in these long light filled days. I love this time of year.

Wishing you all a happy midsummer.  

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

simple pleasures

A few of the simple pleasures making me smile recently.

: :    Bees. Buzzing from flower to flower, heralding summer. 
: :    Tiny apples. I'm looking forward to apple picking in the autumn.
: :    Pepper. A gentle and constant friend. We all love her.
: :    A fun family day out at Strangford Lough Maritime Festival.

After a weekend of torrential rain and thunderstorms, the skies have brightened and the sun is peeking through the clouds.  It seems the bees are right, summer might just be here.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

the year in books: may & june

May has flown by in a flurry of family celebrations, leaving little time for curling up with a cup of tea and a good book.

Not a great excuse but the only one I have. But I do have good intentions. I will get back on track.  This month, I need to finish The Land of Decoration, my May read and I have a copy of Kate Atkinson's Life after Life waiting in the wings.

I am really enjoying this project and despite life getting in the way sometimes, I'm delighted with how being part of #theyearinbooks has revived my love of books and reading.

Joining in as always with Laura.
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