Wednesday, 4 September 2013

home alone

All three of our little ones are back to school and for the first time in seven years I haven't got any of my sidekicks with me.  It feels strange and slightly wonderful in equal measure.

I think I will like this quiet time.  Today, I am simply enjoying the silence.

Anyone else home alone today?


  1. I am so glad you wrote this! I'm home alone, and while a lot of my mummy pals at school were a bit teary, I am so happy for my children, they are so ready for new adventures and to get back to school, and I am absolutely relishing a few hours of quiet time to myself. And we will all be so happy to see each other after school and talk about our days...I hope you enjoy the same! Chrissie x

    1. Me too Chrissie ... I love to see my little ones grow and become independent ... they are happy and content going to school and I love that ... and the fact I have a few precious hours to myself is really pleasing ... thanks for your lovely words ... Bee xx

  2. Me too......I am alone again...used to that during the week....but oh so happy not to do pick-up anymore....he wants to walk?

    .....Yippeee for now at least...lets see what happens when it rains?

    Enjoy the silence darling Bee

    1. Thanks lovely Daisy ... can't see your little man braving a soaking ... let's hope the sun shines for another while ;) ... Bee xxx

  3. At work today but will be home alone on Friday ... then it will be time to tackle the post summer holiday mess! M x

  4. My turn next week, I'm dreading it but then also looking forward to having time to exercise, shop, tidy up etc.. What did you do with your time today??

  5. Before you know it they'll be home again and excited to tell you all about their school day - enjoy the quiet, I'm sure you'll soon get used to it and find a million & one things to fill the time.
    Hugs xx

  6. The 4 year old started big school yesterday so am home alone too - nice to have the silence but strange too. End of an era. X

  7. I'm missing my daughter today (dropped off at university yesterday), and my son started his second year of high school today. Missing them both and just taking a rest today after a whirlwind of getting my daughter settled. Tea aplenty and maybe even some knitting this afternoon with no one here to ask me "where's the ... ". Enjoy your new-found quiet, the time will fill up soon enough. Wendy x

  8. I felt pretty much the same as you do now that first Monday three weeks ago...
    Well, i can say now; i love the extra quiet time and you probably get used to it very soon ;-)


  9. Enjoy your quiet it's wonderful and so well deserved and it will be home time soon x

  10. Tomorrow is the day! Love them both dearly but need some time now to get on! Enjoy!

  11. Yes apart from a brief appearance of Mr Bea at lunch! I've missed them but they've both come home full of beans, in fact Little Bea hasn't stopped talking yet! :) x

  12. My two went back to school today, both in secondary and my eldest is in his final year so all things will be stressful for the next few months! I can remember the first day my two were both at school many years ago and I was at a complete loss - I didn't know what to do with myself! Now, I'm working full time so I leave just before them and arrive just after. No quiet EVER for me! :-) xx

  13. I remember that day so well, I kept checking her at playtime to see if she was okay as we overlooked the school. (22 years ago!) EE xx

  14. Me too Check out my blog for todays lovely child free day (all with the best love in my heart of course!) Jo x

  15. Even when my second son is at preschool, I still have the baby, so the closest I come to home alone is when he is napping. Those days will come around all too quickly, I am sure of it. Hope you enjoyed your time (and what a beautiful picture.) Laura x

  16. Yes it's a very quiet and strange feeling but my little one will only be doing a couple of hours for the first two weeks to settle into primary so I won't really know what it truly feels like till the middle of September and even though I am sad, I am also really looking forward to some me time, it feels like it's been so long. It kinda feels like I am starting a new journey finding bits of myself again that's so easily lost being mum. Enjoy your quiet time xoxo

  17. Enjoy the peace and quiet! I've got a good few years to go before I'll be home alone :-)

  18. Oh enjoy it Bee x I would kill for a day at home, alone ;) Being back at work is a little bit... awful! But it must be done... Hope your little ones enjoyed their first few days back :)

  19. Thanks Bee for the lovely comment, cheered me up in my day alone. But I did get rather a lot done....D xxx

  20. Hope you enjoyed your lovely quiet and peaceful day. That is such a beautiful photo.
    M x

  21. I love how excited you are by it! I was home alone Thursday, except I wasn't really as John is around and I was mighty thankful he was as I was a sobbing wreck. I feel bereft and broody in equal measures - it will pass, I'm sure. I hope... x

  22. That was me this time last year - definitely strange with a twist of lovely.

    Nina x

  23. Bee, this is huge! How did the week go? This will be me next year when I will have all 4 big kids at full-time school (I'm not including the baby who is many many years off School yet!). I hope you have really enjoyed your week and given yourself a big pat on the back for all the hard work of getting them to this new stage of their lives. Mel x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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