Thursday, 23 July 2015

bloom in the park

Late May, and my birthday sailed around again. My mum offered to look after the little ones for the day, so we made the most of it, deciding to visit Bloom in the Park in Dublin.

Bloom is a four day gardening festival, which showcases the best Irish garden design alongside innovative Irish food producers. We spent the day gaining inspiration from the impressive show gardens, admiring the beautiful blooms around every corner and savouring the delicious food on offer.

Unsurprisingly one of my favourite areas was the craft village. There were so many lovely products to covet. I couldn't resist a beautiful plant pot from KaroArt, a very talented ceramic artist based in Dublin. Her Etsy shop is a delight.

As the day drew to a close we decided to leave before the traffic jams inevitably swallowed us up. It was a good decision. We escaped the bedlam, stopping off for dinner on the way home.

A lovely day, well spent. I think we may already have a plan for my next birthday. 


  1. It looks like a really beautiful way to spend a birthday. :)

  2. That sounds like a perfect day. Beautiful photos of the gardens, I love the flowers against the pink background. xx

  3. I love the pink wall too! Glad you had a lovely visit and enjoyed the birthday treat.
    S x

  4. That sounds like the best day, it really does. The flowers against that pink wall! Amazing. And thank you for the link to KaroArt, I've been enjoying browsing her beautiful website. x

  5. Happy Birthday! Glad you had a great time, it looks like a lovely place to visit indeed! xx

  6. I have just stumbled upon your blog & really enjoyed your photos of the flowers and wall. It sounds like a wonderful day & well earned,What lovely addictions to have; fabrics and olives!!!!

  7. What a great day. Those are my kind of colours. I just cut a quilt out today and they are just like that. green, red, purple, pink and blue. Jo x


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Bee x

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