Sunday, 4 August 2013

52 weeks of happy (42/52)

Linking up with Jen for this weeks happy things.

Little mushrooms and toadstools appearing in our garden.  They are amazing, so delicate and perfectly formed.  I am a little fascinated by them.

Making blackcurrant jam.  I had convinced myself it was going to be very difficult but happily it was fun, although topping and tailing the blackcurrants did try my patience.  I'm hoping it doesn't resemble cement when we eat it.  I love the way the jam stained my wooden spoon.

Beautiful coloured threads.  One of my aunts was having a de-stash and thought of me.  Embroidery skeins, tapestry wool and crochet hooks were gladly rehomed.

A gift from my mum.  She saw me admiring this little brooch on a day out recently and went back to get it for me.  A really thoughtful surprise.  My mum is lovely.

Wishing you all a happy week and thank you so much for your comments.  I love to read them.  They make my day and you make me happy too.


  1. What an amazing Mum you have! That brooch is beautiful. X

  2. Lovely little bird my Mum was always getting me little pressies, very often the freebie from the buy one get one free offers.....very often it was stuff I never used! I wish she was still doing that. You've just got to love your mum haven't you! :) x

    1. You are so right Ada, mums are for loving ... my mum often sends me home with a little care package when I visit ... it was a habit she got into while I was studying ... Bee xx

  3. Oh to make some blackcurrant jam - I had high hopes of yielding pounds from my new little bush but alas only eleven currants so far! Lovely pictures x Jane

    1. Maybe you will have more yet ... we have one bush, not very big but it produced just over 400g of fruit ... I made three jars of jam ... not exactly a glut but I loved trying it ... Bee xx

    2. hi, in my experience sometimes they have a bad year- last year there was a few lonesome berries on our blackcurrant bush, so little even the birds were ignoring it... this year it is laden with huge clusters of fruit all over. no idea why in either case :) hope next year your blackcurrants will yield kilos and kilos for you!

  4. My mum would probably have done the same - mums are great! X

  5. lovely happies - lucky you, I agree mums are great and I'm sure your little ones agree too x

  6. Those toadstools are just perfect in every way and I can completely see your fascination with them. Let us know if you see little people frequenting them, now wouldn't that be wonderful. Such a gorgeous broach from your mum and how very thoughtful. Hope your jam turned our well, nothing like home made jam. Happy week to you xoxo

  7. I love the toadstools what a beautiful photo x

  8. How lovely of your mum! It's a beautiful brooch and I think I remember you saying you were a fan of anything bird related. Those little toadstalls are adorable - I want to shrink down to a teeny size and go and live under them. xx

  9. hi Bee, i love that picture of the little mushroom family! i used to live in a garden flat in london some years ago, and to my surprise we had a fairy ring of mushrooms on the lawn one summer. i know that most gardener purists would have been cross and saddened by it but i loved it, it looked so cool! :) i didn't cook any jam this year, but last year i made 6 or so jars of redcurrant jam and we still have 2 whole unopened ones, and gave a couple to friends...
    i wish i had a de-stashing relative too, i love embroidery yarn :)

  10. Gorgeous photos and lovely happies. The little brooch is beautiful.
    M x

  11. Lovely photo's and the thought of blackcurrant jam.....mmm

  12. What lovely happy things Bee. That brooch is delightful, lucky you! And I love the mushroom photo :)

  13. Beautiful happies Bee and such lovely photos too. Have a happy week xxx

  14. What an amazing sweet and motherly thing for your Mom to do - the bird brooch is beautiful and something you'll cherish (along with the memory) forever. -- Jan

  15. I enjoyed these "happy things" as much as you! My mom always made black currant jam (jars and JARS of it!), and she made sure I always had some in my cupboard and would send me downstairs to pick up a jar if I was out. She even passed on a black currant bush to me, and I found another one in her garden when she passed away, which I transplanted to my own yard. We got only a few black currants this year, but hopefully some year soon there'll be enough for a jam revival. Love that little brooch your thoughtful mom snuck back to give to you ... the bird is just as lovely as the thought behind it ;) Wendy x

  16. Aw Bee, these are all just lovely happies. Always nice to be on the receiving end of a stitchy de-clutter, and that brooch is just gorgeous.
    Enjoy your jam,
    and have a happy week,

  17. All beautiful pictures representing such gorgeous happy things....... the brooch is beautiful and all the better for being a lovely gift from your mum x

  18. Awh so lovley Bee! I hope that jam tastes great and your Mum is really fab Such a thoughtful little birdy! Hazel x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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