Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Mid-term, easy days spent relaxing and enjoying the freedom from school and schedules.  I relished the break from routine, timed perfectly for when we seemed to really need it.

Halloween was a lot of fun.

There were play dates with friends,
a visit to Florence Court for the Halloween Fest, 
spending most days accompanied by a little vampire, skeleton and witch,
cosying up with popcorn and films by the fire when it was too cold to go out,
baking, baking, baking ... lemon drizzle, jam sponge, fairy cakes,
oohing and aahing at the firework display on Halloween night,
long country walks on bright days.

I really love this time of year.


My photos are a random collection taken over the last week.  I have been using a camera which I really dislike.  The picture quality is hit and miss, so I am now even more determined to make an effort to use my DSLR as much as possible.



  1. Ooooh, those leaves look gorgeous!

  2. Well, I think your photos are fab! Sounds as though you had a lovely cosy time ...
    M x

  3. Beautiful photos to capture fun memories! Chrissie x

  4. And here I was admiring your photos!! The first two are so nice :) I've gone through two cameras, so I know how frustrating it is to look at unsatisfactory photos when you were expecting something much better. Your mid-term break sounds so relaxing ... especially the baking & fireside part. It's about time we got our fire lit on the weekends now too ... cold & damp today, blah. Wendy x

  5. Love the expression on Mr Pumpkin's face...'they do this to me every year' Eco Ethel xx

  6. Sounds and looks like you had a great break x

  7. Looks so very pretty though... You captured it well!
    Love, Mirjam.

  8. Oh a lovely week off school. We all need it so much and yours looks great. x

  9. Make the most of your week off, we are now back and wishing it was two weeks off!

  10. It is always good to take a break from routine and smile with your family. Jo x

  11. Yes, last week was a wonderful break and interlude from our busy lives. Sounds like you had lots of family fun xox Penny

  12. it sounds lovely Bee. The photos look fine, no worries there! love your pumpkin, Heather x

  13. I think you photos are beautiful, especially the leaves! :) x

  14. I am right there with you... I love love love love this time of year!! Your photos are beautiful!
    Love to you,
    Tammy x

  15. I think your pics are just lovely, Bee. The beauty of Autumn is just perfectly captured and that funny pumpkin face made me smile. Good to just take time to be.

  16. Very athospheric autumn shots! :-)

  17. I love this time of year too! The colours, the fact that it's not too cold yet, the run up to Christmas..

  18. I love that firework shot Bee, I don't think I've ever seen a finer one, and your pumpkin is ace! x

  19. Beautiful photos, amazing firework shot!! Xoxo

  20. I have to say your fireworks shot is fab, so you're doing something right! Your mid term break sounds perfect, just the right balance of busy and cosy. Lovely woodland photos too. X

  21. What a lovely break you had. There's something about the little mid-term breaks isn't there? I always enjoy our 1 to 2 week school breaks. Like there's less pressure to do things and you can just relax and enjoy. And your photos are terrific, as always :-) Mel x

  22. A lovely post, so very evocative of this time of year. The pumpkin is fantastic! It sounds as if you had a really good break, with lots of autumn cosiness.

  23. Such a lovely colour palette in this post :)


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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