Tuesday, 18 November 2014

woodland walk

A slightly damp Sunday morning walk. Brightening skies and a mild air tempted us to some welcome time outdoors. Much needed after the wet, dreary days last week.

We stayed local, visiting a native woodland close to where we live. We squelched through the muddy, leaf littered lanes. Played in the woodland. Followed deer hoof prints. Admired fungi and lichen. Found wood sorrel and gathered sticks. 

A morning well spent.

As an aside, thank you for your comments on my last post. It seems I am not alone in my nervousness of eating foraged fungi. A foraging course may be added to my bucket list.


  1. What a lovely autumn walk... I can smell the fresh air overhere ;-)!
    The boys look like they have much to talk about together :)
    Love from Mirjam.

  2. Lovely photos Bee. It looks like a perfect place to spend a morning exploring. xx

  3. it is always good to get out whatever the weather. Look at your little ones blue eyes - so sweet. Jo x

  4. It's nice to stay near home, isn't it? Good idea for the bucket list, too - I'd add it to mine if I ever started one.
    Now you've got me thinking...
    S x

  5. I love to do the same thing. I'm glad you had a chance to get out and explore together.

  6. Lovely photos. I'd really like to do a foraging course too - it's just getting round to it!

  7. I think that course sounds like the right idea - or just try to borrow Alys Fowler! x

  8. The woods are wonderful at this time of year aren't they. It sounds like a morning well spent. There are masses of mushrooms that I see every day in a particular spot, I'd love to know whether they're edible, but like you I'd need an expert to tell me. CJ xx

  9. It is so nice to get out and about at this time of year isn't it. xx

  10. We were looking up the fungi we found on Sunday and were just saying how knowledgeable you would need to be to eat anything - they all look the same! x

  11. Nothing beats a walk in the woods at this time of year. I can almost smell the leaves looking at the pictures in your post!

  12. Such a sweet pic of your three kids wandering along the path :-) Looks like a great way to spend the morning! x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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