Friday, 16 August 2013

52 weeks of happy (43/52)

Joining lovely Jen for 52 weeks of happy.  Late, as is becoming my habit.  I really must try harder. 

Beautiful red flowers on our runner beans. Even if they never produce beans, they have been worth planting for the flowers alone.

I am officially frazzled.  I spent a hectic day today, running from one shop to the next, gathering necessities for returning to school in two weeks time. New uniforms, school shoes, vests, pants, socks, the list goes on and on.  But I am very happy to have it all sorted and in good time, leaving the remainder of the summer holidays dedicated to having fun. 

Our new houseplant, a maidenhair fern, brightening a corner.  I love its lacy green fronds and the blue of the pot.  Two of my favourite colours.

The apples on our tree.  Autumn is on its way.

I hope you are having a happy week enjoying the simple things.


  1. Ooh, I love your new houseplant. I've been after something like that for our dining room, but everything I've found has been too spiky - that looks like it might be just what I'm after!

    Good work on getting sorted for the new term! Enjoy all the fun of the last few weeks of holiday x

  2. I'm glad you got so much done and have a chance to rest now. Those shoes are adorable; I had no idea how much I loved little girls' shoes until I had a little girl of my own.

  3. Lovely happies Bee. I'm always late with mine too! Those shoes are so pretty, i'd like a pair for me! X

  4. I feel your frazzle!! We just finished the last of the school shopping today! I mean if you saw the lists of the things that we have to buy for our kids in our school district! We even have to buy the teacher supplies! I am now poor but happy, as I'm finished!!!
    Your flowers are divine, there is just something about a flower... any flower that just brings serenity.
    Those shoes for your daughter, too cute! I think I'd even wear those :)
    Have a great weekend!

  5. But aren't new kids shoes just gorgeous? We still have Little Sis' first pair of proper school shoes and I still remember clearly her delight in having them fitted and put in a big 'special' box to carry home. Looking back I was probably completely frazzled that day too but I've managed to forget about that bit! Have a great weekend x Jane

  6. Your daughters shoes are too sweet, reminded me of my Alice's wee feet so many years ago. She now wears vans as they are cool mum and one has to be cool when at high school:o) Gorgeous flowers and house plant too. We are off camping next week and i can definitely feel that autumnal edge in the air!! xxx enjoy the rest of the hols x Penny

  7. well done you, enjoy the last two weeks. x

  8. I do love a maidenhead fern ... such beautiful plants.

    Well done on your readiness for the new term, now stop rushing about and enjoy the rest of the hols ;)

  9. Such lovely happies enjoy the last of your summer holidays x

  10. Lovely happy things. Yes, the end is in sight for the summer holidays and now the panic begins! Why do my two always have a growth spurt during this break?! Have a great week. xx

  11. Lovely happy things! I adore those sweet shoes!
    M x

  12. I wish the New Uniform magic fairy would suddenly appear mid August, don't you! :) x

  13. We are dreading the school shoe shop, by eldest as the narrowest feet ever and fairly long! Well done, I hope to do it next week!
    As for Maidenhair Fern's my favourite, but I've just killed to of my succulents.
    Also those books are on my wish list...have you enjoyed them?

  14. I know that feeling well! We're off school shoe shopping tomorrow and fingers crossed that's it...I'm done.

    Gorgeous shoes though.

    Nina x

  15. just found your blog, lots of pretty inspirational posts to explore so lovely to meet you! We are doing the school shoe hunt for my youngest (14) who has size 12 feet and 13 in a trainer! it's quite a challenge to find something suitable as we have to shop in adult ranges. I remember the joys of shopping for dinky little start rite shoes on small feet though, those were the days! Isn't it nice how a small thing like a pretty fern can brighten up a corner and make us feel happy! Betty


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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