Saturday 4 January 2014


A new year.  A new beginning.  I am looking forward to it.  I have no resolutions for the coming year, just good intentions.  Lots of them but mainly to encourage creativity at home, for all of us.

We have begun 2014 indoors.  The weather has been awful.  Cold, wet, stormy days abound.  Days best spent cosied up by the fire.  Crafting, reading, baking and Lego building have kept us busy.

But we have managed to brave the weather for a few bracing walks when there has been brief respite from the storms.  Even just an hour outside blows away the cobwebs and pinks the cheeks.  

We will be packing Christmas away tomorrow.  I always feel a little sad taking down the decorations and boxing them up.  But I also love clearing the way for newness.  I am looking forward to making a few changes to brighten our home in the coming days.  

Wishing you all a wonderful 2014.


I also wanted to say thank you for your get well wishes.  I am feeling much better.


  1. gorgeous pics of your fam!!! happy, creative new year!! Mezz

  2. So nice to get some fresh air....
    I wish you andyour family all the best for this new year!
    Love from Mirjam.

  3. Very similar to things around here. Some bracing walks, so specific resolutions, but intentions to make a few alterations and improvements and get more done, and Christmas decorations going away tomorrow and a nice clean (organised?!) start to the school year. Wishing you a very successful and happy year. CJ xx

  4. Happy New Year lovely Bee. I love that you want to spend the year being more creative with the family. And well done for bracing the winds - I've gone into hibernation mode! x

  5. A lovely walk is always good for the soul. Stay safe in the storms, Bee and enjoy the time spent together in the warmth. Happy new year, may it be your best one yet, xx

  6. Other weather has been rather hideous and so we have been doing much the same around here. Here's wishing you a very good 2014, full of hopes and dreams xox Penny

  7. ahhh I can smell the fresh air from you all slept well that night...

    look after yourself Bee lots of love xxxxxx

  8. Happy New Year Bee....keep warm and well.
    Love Caroline xx

  9. Galas you're feeling better Bee, lovely pics, lovely family! Good luck with the good intentions, much better than resolutions in my mind as they're usually thinks that you want to do, and not feel that you have to ...

    Love Claire xxx

  10. Glad you're feeling better - gets the new year off to a good start! A chilly walk always leaves you feeling like you've earned time indoors, cosying up. Enjoy!
    Sarah x

  11. Good intentions instead of resolutions: brilliant idea! I think I am going to adopt that approach too. Feels a lot less daunting and no pressure either. x

  12. Definitely hoods up weather. Wishing you well for 2014 xo

  13. A bracing walk definitely holds off the cabin fever. My little one (4) said yesterday 'it is nice to get back to normal isn't it!' because we took down the decorations. Jo x

  14. Creativity at home sounds like a wonderful intention for the year x

  15. Happy New Year Bee! I feel very nostalgic putting the decorations away now since my kids are older, and my family has changed so much, and all the decorations we shared over the years bring back such happy memories of when things were shiny & bright :) One thing I do keep out till later are the Christmas CDs as I like to still listen to them when everyone's back to work & school. You live in a very pretty spot ... love the views of the valley ... and I remember these kind of walks when my own kids were small and enjoyed the trek once we got going. We liked to "pink the cheeks" too. Wendy x

  16. We have had a lot of bracing walks here too, while dodging the rain and hail.

    Leanne xx

  17. The weather has been so awful, hasn't it? I think we've had maybe 2 or 3 clear and sunny days in the last three weeks. Wet and windy, every day. So depressing. I like what you said about having good intentions, not resolutions. I hope 2014 brings you much happiness and creativity. x

  18. Hi Bee and Happy New Year. I like the idea of new beginnings - time to make some changes in 2014 I think.

    Nina x

  19. Oh Bee you have such a creative eye that I cannot wait to see the changes you bring. D xx

  20. I like to imagine that all over Europe more crafting than usual is happening courtesy of all this wet! Here's hoping your weather has now cheered up a little though ... ours has.

  21. Happy New Year to you too Bee, I love this post and wish you the most amazing 2014 ever! xx


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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