Thursday, 24 April 2014


Today we celebrated a birthday.  Our eldest turned eight.  

Our precious first baby, growing each year into a wonderful little boy. Always full of questions and with a insatiable love of the natural world. Happiest investigating under rocks or tree bark for insects and spiders.

He is kind, strong and a great friend.  We love our sensitive soul so very much.

Happy birthday little man.


  1. What a lovely tribute to such a loving young man. It has been so long since mine were young. Oh, my but this brings back wonderful memories. I wish you all the best!

  2. Happy birthday to your son! My son is also eight. It's a really nice age.

  3. Happy, happy birthday to your son! Hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating such a special boy! :)

  4. Happy Birthday to your big boy!
    Love, Mirjam.

  5. Happy birthday to your biggest boy. My middle boy is eight too, it's a lovely age. Not yet stroppy, but big enough to have nice conversations with. Mine likes to look for spiders and things in the natural world as well. How lucky we are to have them.

  6. Always lovely to read Birthday posts. Happy Birthday big little man. x

  7. happy birthday big boy! Hope you're having a fabulous day :-) x

  8. Happy, happy birthday to your big boy, and congratulations to you for raising and caring for such a sensitive soul - we need more of them in the world! Chrissie x

  9. Happy Birthday! Enjoy being a boy. Jo x

  10. I hope he had a wonderful birthday. And congratulations on having a sweet boy who loves the outdoors - you couldn't really ask for much more, could you?
    Sarah x

  11. happy birthday to your big boy! love the picture, captures such a lovely moment there x

  12. Hi there, just catching up! Happy Birthday to your son. Hope that you have a good week. xx

  13. All the best to your young man! :)

  14. Happy Birthday to your boy, what a lovely photo of him. Hope he has a great birthday week, my boy is 8 in a couple of weeks too, such a great age....Mel x

  15. Oh goodness Bee, where is the time going?! My eldest turns 8 at Christmas and I just can't believe it. Happy belated birthday to your boy, that's such a great photo. x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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