Thursday, 2 October 2014

hello october

October arrived yesterday in a blaze of sunshine, The sky so beautifully blue, dotted with cotton wool clouds. The laundry pegged out on the washing line, billowing in the cool breeze. I wore sandals. The flowers glowed in the hazy autumn light. Those yellows and blues, so perfect together.

A day worth remembering in the dark days of winter. 


  1. Those pictures are just perfect Bee....
    Beautiful!!! Love from Mirjam.

  2. It's been beautiful hasn't it. It was like summer here yesterday, absolutely blissful. CJ xx

  3. Stunning pictures, what a wonderful washing line!

  4. I am amazed that it has still been so nice, it doesn't seem possible that it is October does it. xx

  5. Hold that thought as the weather is fair closing in!

  6. It was gorgeous, wasn't it? We had a blissful walk. And yes, the washing was out on the line.
    This morning: cold, wet and a bit gloomy. Hopefully it'll pass.
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
    S x

  7. It sounds like you're having really gorgeous weather there. I hope it lasts awhile longer.

  8. It's been a month to remember here, such mild and beautiful weather. Happy weekend. Jo x

  9. Lovely blog & autumn photos!

  10. I think you may have the prettiest washing line in blogland! It's been as sunny here, and the weekend was good, although it's been vile today. x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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