Sunday, 11 November 2012

november weekend

Our weekend.  We had a lovely visit to Florencecourt House and Gardens.  We headed off early and enjoyed some lovely sunshine.

We admired the beautiful colours of autumn.

 And kicked through the millions of fallen leaves.

 We wished on pennies at the old watermill.

And played follow the leader.

We had some fun in the adventure playground and came home for lunch.  Now the little ones are all cosied up in their pyjamas after a bath and are playing snakes and ladders in front of the stove.

I have a late tea in the oven for Mr F and I and I am surrounded by crafty bits and bobs, making for the advent swap organised by Hookin' with Laa Laa.

I love that our weekends seem to follow the same pattern this time of year.  I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.


  1. I'm going to get all my advent bits together this week and wrap! Those trees look stunning! :)

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend and have a cosy, happy evening ahead of you - enjoy! What's an advent swap?

    1. Hi Suzie ... sorry I should have explained myself ... I am doing an Advent Swap organised by Hookin with Laa Laa ... you get partnered up and send little gifts to each other for all of advent ... I signed up in September but of course will be making things right up to the last minute ... should be a bit of fun :) ... I've added a link in the post if you want to find out more ... have a lovely Sunday evening ... Bee xx

  3. the beech trees are just stunning right now aren't they! Heather x

    1. They are so beautiful and I love that they retain their leaves for a long time ... Bee x

  4. What a beautiful place to visit! I have been busily making for the swap too :)
    Victoria xx

    1. I'm busy, busy making too ... hope you have a lovely week ... Bee xx

  5. The colour of that tree is amazing! Glad you had a lovely weekend...enjoy your crafting :) xx

    1. The tree was really amazing .. it's a huge big beech tree and has held on to its lovely leaves ... have a lovely week ... Bee xx

  6. That first picture is gorgeous, such amazing colour. Sounds like a lovely weekend. xx

    1. Thanks Caroline ... we really did have a lovely weekend ... the colour of the leaves were amazing in the autumn sunshine ... have a lovely week ... Bee xx

  7. Sounds nice and cosy, just how a family weekend should be :) x

    1. It really was cosy ... hope you have a lovely week, Cheryl ... Bee x

  8. Wow - stunning tree in all its Autumnal glory! Sounds like a truly lovely weekend. I'm working furiously to finish everything for the Advent Swap too - funny how November seemed like plenty time away in September.. tee hee.. I'll be doing the last minute thing too methinks!
    Such fun though, isn't it?
    Have a great week,

  9. Sounds like a lovely day. Our little one has been on/off poorly this weekend but we did manage to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and gorgeous colours from the comfort of the car at least as we went for a lovely drive around some of our local beautiful countryside. I agree about weekends following a certain pattern at this time of the year. Ours certainly are. Fiona x

  10. I keep meaning to visit Florencecourt, now your photos have made me want to even more. Everywhere just looks so pretty at this time of year.


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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