Thursday, 20 December 2012

for the birds

Winter is here with its cold and frost so we've been making seed cakes for the wild birds in our garden.  I couldn't forget my feathered friends.

We used solid vegetable fat and an autumn and winter bird seed mix.  The process is simple so little ones can get involved and help.

With an adult's help melt the fat over a gentle heat until it becomes liquid and pour carefully into the seed mix. Stir well.  The seed mix should be well coated and appear shiny and wet.  This ensures it sticks together in the mould.

For fun we used christmas cookie cutters to make the seed cakes but you could use any container to hold them together.  Empty yoghurt pots would work well. The fat solidifies as it cools and holds the seed cake together.

We made a hole by inserting a bamboo skewer into the seed cake as it set.  Once solidified press out of the cookie cutters.  They are best left overnight to harden completely.  Test them gently.  They should not be crumbly. Finally thread some string through the hole for hanging.

Hang out in the garden, sit back with a cuppa and watch the birds enjoying a winter feast.


My second little boy has a serious nut allergy so I sought out a seed mix which didn't contain nuts. Just something you should consider if any of you are in the same situation and want to make seed cakes with your little ones.


  1. A definate make for me and the kids. I was going to get seeds today, and I already have lard. They would also be good for granny (not to eat! she spends a fortune on the fat balls for birds)Flissx

    1. Oh yes Fliss .... don't give them to Granny :) ... I had some left over and my hubby thought I had been making granola ... he very nearly had some ... and yes they would definitely be cheaper than fat balls ... hope you and the kids enjoy making them ... Bee xx

  2. Nice ones! Must be so difficult to have a nut allergy though... Nuts are in so many products...
    Love from Mirjam.

    1. Thanks Mirjam ... it can be difficult but we manage ... he carries an epipen so as least we know he is safe if he reacts badly ... but it is always a worry ... especially now he is at school ... thanks for thinking so kindly ... Bee xx

  3. I've been meaning to do this for years! An excellent idea. I have some stork in the fridge perfect for this... off to gather the kids. xx

  4. :-)
    I love how you've used Christmas shapes! Lucky birdies!!!

  5. Lovely Bee, I remember doing this with my Mum, I grew up in Perth and the winters always seemed really severe. Lots of time of school for snow and making these for our feathered friends, Jxx

  6. These are brilliant but yes, nut allergy must be very worrying for you, boo hiss to that. Luckily though, I think most schools and teachers are very aware of allergies and urgent first aid now so I am sure he is in safe hands xxx

  7. That is a lovely idea to use different shapes - I can see that our birds are bit peckish so I will endeavour to make some today
    All the best for the festive season to you and yours
    Best wishes

  8. These are wonderful...such a great idea. We feed the birds but sadly if I was to put these out they would be swallowed in one mouthful by the greedy squirrels.

  9. I love watching the birds, especially on frosty mornings! Have a lovely Christmas Bee, thanks for all your support and kind words! :) x

  10. Wow, what a great thing to do with the kids! x

  11. We did some in yoghurt pots which fell apart and were very fiddly so these are a must for us! Thanks Bee xx

  12. We have never made these but it looks easy and rewarding. I think my two would love this activity. I like the way you shaped them with cookie cutters and hung them, how lovely. x

  13. One of the Winter chores I really do love doing with my little ones...and the excitement on their faces when they spot a bird tucking in.

    Happy Christmas

    Nina x

  14. What festive looking treats for the birdies.. I love this idea. I will have to try doing this with my little one when she is a bit older.
    Magie x

  15. Do you know, I never did this with my kids when they were small, kinda wish I had though :)

  16. I absolutely love this idea! So clever :)
    xo TJ

  17. great, so nice not to forget the birds! Heather x

  18. Lovely and very thoughtful :) I tried it one year but not one bird came near. Must need a french recipe :) x


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Bee x

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