Sunday, 9 December 2012

o christmas tree

I'm feeling properly festive now.  Christmas had definitely arrived here.  The whole house had been cleaned from top to bottom, a little problem of mine.  I couldn't contemplate putting the decorations up until I have annihilated every little dust bunny which dares to bounce along the floorboards.  Do any of you suffer from this affliction.  It's the same when I'm going on holiday, I can't bear to leave a messy house behind.  But enough about my obsessions.

Our Christmas decorations have been gathered year by year since Mr F and I first moved in together. They are a happy mish mash of gifts from family, some belonged to my granny, some we bought on honeymoon. Each with a special memory attached.

On honeymoon, we met a lovely lady who told us she had bought or made a new decoration each Christmas for her son as he grew up, so when he left home he had a ready made collection to take with him and build upon.

I thought it was a great tradition so each year I like to choose an ornament or decoration for each of our little ones.  The fun is finding something a bit different.  Last years were these lovely little china snowmen.

And finally, our Christmas tree.

Don't you think the tree doesn't look nearly as pretty in the daylight as it does at night when it's all lit up and sparkling. Maybe that's the magpie in me. I will try and get a decent night time picture but for now I am too impatient to wait.

If you're interested and haven't already, don't forget to pop over and enter my giveaway.  You never know you might just be lucky.


  1. I am doing the very same thing! The clutter everywhere is driving me crazy so today i'm having a full blown clear out and clean before putting the decorations up tonight. It's almost Christmas! :) x

  2. I love the idea of a christmas decoration each year. My favourite christmas decorations are the ones we all made when we were little, dollie fairies, felt figgy puddings and creations that are rather hard to identify now although I am sure in our young minds they made perfect sense. - Annie

  3. nice to clean and de-clutter before it all goes up! I like your red and white theme? and a lovely idea to collect decorations for your little ones. They do end up holding such magical memories from childhood don't they. Enjoy tonight! Heather x

  4. Totally with you Bee on the cleaning front! I sometimes wish I wasn't like this and could be a bit more relaxed. Anyway, I love the little snowman and your tree looks beautiful! Xx

  5. Your tree looks lovely! We finally put ours up today. I can't leave a messy house when I go on holiday either - it's bad enough having your holiday end without coming home to an untidy house. x

  6. Your tree is so lovely! I am with you on having a clean house. I cannot bare to come home from vacation to a messy house. I am a bit of a clean freak!

  7. your tree looks amazing, unfortunately I am not such a clean & tidy person, I would love someone else to come and do it for me though! I'm too busy making mess...fluff, threads and fabric shreds! Merry Christmas xxx

    1. Your tree is looking lovely. We have collected decorations over 36 years of marriage :)

  8. It's looking very festive! I've got the cleaning bug too, unfortunately my body is unaware of this! :)

  9. Yes, I am the same.. I tidied up the house last weekend and put the decorations up this one. It's nice to start with a nice clean room (even if it doesn't always stay that way :p).
    Your tree is so pretty.. Love the mix of red and white :)
    Magie x

  10. I spy a gorgeous Father Christmas sitting on your window ledge. Hugs Valeryanne.

  11. Oh dear, I'm exactly the same - can't possibly, ever go away on holiday without the house being sparkly clean before we go! LOVE your tree - and especially love the tradition of a new tree ornament for the little ones every year, that is so special. Think I may nick that lovely idea and start the tradition for my 3 gorgeous little Goddaughters.
    Have a happy & festive week,

  12. Bee! me too....had to spring clean the sitting room on Sunday, ready for the tree etc, just feels right doesn't it.
    Soooo loving your red and white tree, showed pic to 'other half" very impressed too, says its a 'liverpool supporters' dream...?
    A x

  13. Your tree is so lovely. I love the tradition idea too :) x

  14. Your tree is so beautiful, and tasteful without being overly "done", if that makes sense! Your decoration tradition is a lovely idea.

    I too have to do a mad clean before the tree goes up - I'm glad it's not just me! x

  15. your tree looks great! i love a good red and white theme.

  16. Bee your tree is so pretty! We put candy canes on our tree too but most of them have mysteriously disappeared - hmmmm, tiny fingers me thinks! I am very much in awe of your cleaning top to bottom - oh how I wish I had that affliction!

    1. Thanks Suzie ... I need to let you in on a little secret ... the candy canes are non edible ... that is the only reason they haven't been pilfered by tiny thieves :) ... have a really lovely week ... Bee xx


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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