Wednesday, 20 November 2013

lady luck

Have you ever experienced a run of exceptionally good luck.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I've been especially lucky.  I am delighted to have won not one, not two but three gorgeous blog giveaways.

So, in an effort to spread the luck and love I will be organising a little giveaway here soon.

In the meantime I just wanted to say a big thank you for my gorgeous gifts.  To Lou and Eloise for the gorgeous print and pouch.  Like many of you I really enjoy reading Lou's lovely blog and have admired Eloise's artwork forever. Her cloud print will be happily adorning my bedroom wall.

Blue Clouds, limited edition giclee print

To Dawn for the postcards and calendar featuring her beautiful photographs. Dawn's blog at home with red features more of her stunning still life photography available in her shop.  Pop over to see her.  You won't regret it.

And to Jane for this perfect print.  Jane has designed a new range of wonderful art prints for her etsy shop littleteawagon.  I was delighted to receive this one.  The little boy reminds me of my own pair of boys.  I can't wait to get it framed and on the wall.

Poster - Boy and Kite  A3 Art Print

How lucky am I?

I have waited and waited for a bright day to take my own photos but general greyness meant I had to give up.  All photos link back to their original sources.



  1. Well what a lucky girl indeedy... Enjoy!! Cx

  2. lucky you and lovely tips. x

  3. Thats wonderful Bee...luck lucky you and such nice gifts. I've popped over to Dawn's blog and was duly to see her shop now :-)

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  4. Oh how very wonderful, I love all 3 of your giveaway wins, enjoy! xox Penny

  5. The luck of the Irish!! What wonderful gifts you have received Bee! No need to feel embarrassed when luck comes in three (I think even THAT is good luck isn't it?). Hope the rest of your week is just as lucky ;) Wendy x

  6. Lovely little wins there Bee.....i found out yesterday I've won a giveaway too, exciting times! Who needs the lotto..... ;) x

  7. pretty lucky, I'd say. What lovely gifts.

    Leanne xx

  8. Good grief! Three wins!?! You are indeed one lucky gal! It's like Christmas has already arrived with you...beautiful gifts! :) Chrissie x

  9. Very lucky Bee, what beautiful gifts you have received! Enjoy :-) Mel x

  10. Your lucky pants are working well...I can't find mine! Eco Ethel xx

  11. Lucky indeed! I love the kite print, so cute!

  12. Wow! Lucky, lucky you!!! And what wonderful prizes too!!! :-)

  13. Congratulations, you lucky thing! :)

  14. Lady Luck indeed! Such lovely things!
    Marianne x

  15. Wow that was lucky! 3 Wins in a row, and lovely wins too! I'm having a giveaway right now, you should enter, maybe you'll make it 4 in a row x

  16. ooh good for you, lovely prizes! x

  17. It clearly is not third time lucky, but thrice lucky!! Wow, some really beautiful wins too. I also bought the exact same print from Jane, one for my son and the girly version for my daughter for Christmas, now I just need to get them framed. I really love those beautiful still life photographs, they are simply beautiful! Lucky you!!! xoxo

  18. Loved reading about your lucky streak. So pleased you liked them, thank you for the kind mention. Dxx

  19. Yay for good luck and winning, well done lovely you and thank you for your kind words
    Jane x x

  20. So many lovely things, very lucky =)


  21. They say things come in threes, and I'm so glad that they were 3 nice things! Congratulations, and very well deserved for a lovely lady.

    Love Claire xx

  22. Oh my word, you lucky thing! You did well there, what gorgeous pieces. And all very "you", as well, which makes them extra special. x

  23. Well done you! Enjoy every minute of your lucky streak. Your prizes are fab! x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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