Saturday, 31 May 2014

goodbye may

A snapshot of the beautiful blossom in our garden this month.  The trees are awash with tiny pale blooms.  Our apple trees have never had so many flowers, the elderflower blossoms are just appearing from their tiny green buds and pretty blossom weighs down the branches of the hawthorn. 

May, you have been especially beautiful this year.


  1. Who doesn't love beautiful blossoms in springtime. Lovely photos Bee. I like it when the little petals fall to the ground too ... it all looks so magical. I enjoyed your last post too on the rainstorm and the photos of the cow parsley. Have a great weekend! Wendy x

  2. It has been a beautiful May hasn't it. I think it might be my favourite time of the year. Lovely photos, the little blossom is exquisite.

  3. Beautiful blossoms.... April showers bring May flowers...
    Now let's hope the showers are past and summer is lovely & sunny :-)
    Happy Sunday, xx

  4. So beautiful to see them all together on your pictures!
    Lots of love from Mirjam.

  5. May has certainly been a beautiful colourful month, so much different to last years attempt. My May seemed to have a sprint on so I couldn't believe my calendar saying it was June today! Have a fantastic month xx

  6. What stunning pictures, Jo xx

  7. It has been a beautiful May, I hope that June is just as beautiful for you and everyone! xx

  8. Beautiful blossom photos and I agree May has been an especially pretty month this year.
    Marianne x

  9. They are so delicate rant they! :) x

  10. So, so pretty! I think it's going to be a good year for apples! Chrissie x

  11. Hey Bee,

    Will you be making anything with the Elderflowers? I found some while walking the cliff path yesterday. I'm returning on Wednesday to make some cordial. Never made it before, so very excited!
    Have a great week.
    Leanne xx

  12. beautiful! I hope June is equally lovely x

  13. Beautiful pictures Bee, your garden must look wonderful! xx

  14. Ah Bee, I always imagine that your garden is a complete picture, just bursting with gorgeous plants and flowers and wildlife. So much gorgeous blossom in this post, all in varying shades of white. x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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