Sunday, 11 May 2014

sunday rambling

After a week of incessant rain the sun appeared this afternoon, so we took ourselves out for some Sunday rambling and exploring.  We visited a little National Trust church nearby which has beautiful grounds with masses of space to play and explore.

The little ones ran, climbed and scaled the fallen branches, casualties from the unmerciful winter winds. The fallen trees were a perfect hunting ground for all types of bugs. Spiders, woodlice, centipedes and millipedes were discovered and inspected.  

Being outside in the sunshine lifted all our spirits after so many cold and dreary days.  I've just watched the weather forecast and it seems the weather is on the up.  Fingers crossed for more warm sunny May days.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.


  1. Great photos Bee ... beautiful selfie! You always seem to find the best places for your kids to run about. That tree looks amazing, even with the broken limbs. We've had some good weather here this past week, and the weekend (for once!) was just gorgeous & sunny & warm. Now we're being thrown into a week of rain. Oh well. Enjoy! Wendy x

  2. I love this photo, Bee. You're so pretty. This sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. It's so good to see your kids having fun in the sun!

  3. Hello you pretty Bee :)! So nice to see you!
    Love those pictures; it's so good to be able to go outside after such horrible weather, isn't it?
    Love from Mirjam.

  4. Ah hello Bee, such a pretty selfie! That sounds like a perfect afternoon. Wishing you a lovely week with lots more sunshine. xx

  5. What a wonderful spot, I'm glad you had such a nice outing, it is indeed lovely to be outside. I'm really hoping for some lovely warm weather too.

  6. Yay! Check you out! You look gorgeous. I'm so enjoying the better weather. Bring on summer. x

  7. It sounds like a great way to spend the day! xx

  8. So lovely to see you out and about in the sunshine! I wish I could take such a pretty selfie...and what fun it would be to climb on those logs! Nothing beats a spring walk...Chrissie x

  9. Those fallen branches look very impressive! Fingers crossed for more sunny May days too :)

  10. Beeeeeeee you are so gorgeous what skin! what eyes! what eyebrows!!..... adorable!! update your profile pic mrs....d xxx

    1. AND we are wearing the very same glasses.....what taste!!

  11. We are looking forward to some warmer weather too to get out and about. Look at your skin lady! amazing....Jo xx

  12. love that photo of the huge gnarly tree and the sweet little girl! like a fairy tale. and love the photo of you too! great glasses and a beautiful glow! x

  13. That tree looks fun! And I love your selfie too - mine look awful, every single time...
    I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend.
    Sarah x

  14. Wow, look at you! Gorgeous! And yes, I too have noticed your skin. It's amazing.


  15. I was just going to echo the comments above and suggest that you use that lovely selfie as your profile pic forthwith!

  16. Gorgeous selfie! We have had bright sun here for days now, hope you've had the same, but this evening, on my, the thunderstorms!

  17. Well hello there pretty lady!!! You look as fresh as a daisy :-) x

  18. Hello Bee! *waves* Great photo of you! It's so good to get out in the sun and fresh air isn't it, especially at the weekend. It does everyone the world of good. Sounds like a lovely afternoon. x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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