Monday, 26 May 2014

after the rain

I love this time of year and its ever changing weather. Bright sunshine this morning gave way to torrential downpours this afternoon. After the rain, freshness filled the air. A clean, damp scent. A scent I love. Maybe I could bottle it. 

The skies were beautiful, full of clouds. Pretty wispy clouds emptied of their cargo. And in the hedgerows, clouds of cow parsley dampened by the rain.  


  1. Beautiful photos, this is my favourite time of year. I do so love the clouds and the rain, it always feels so cleansing, as if all of the dust is being washed away. I hope you have a good week Bee. CJ xx

  2. Beautiful photos, wonderful words, a magical moment captured here! Chrissie x

  3. Aren't all the colours lovely at the moment, whilst I would like a bit more sun there's no denying the rain brings lushness with it! :) x

  4. aww ... Such a beautiful and dreamy post! I truly enjoyed it! Thanks!

  5. lovely photos of such a menacing sky! I love the quality of light on days like those x

  6. Love the sky at your first picture! If you somehow manage to bottle that fresh smell, can you spare a little bit for me please ;-)? Love from Mirjam.

  7. I agree, this time of year is lovely especially after a spell of rain. Everything smells so fresh and newly washed! Enjoy the rest of the week x

  8. Hey Bee,
    I love this time of year too. But we had rain all weekend here in St Ives, which made for disastrous adventuring!
    Leanne xx

  9. i love that plant, the cow parsley - now i also know it's name - it's a bit like a touchable cloud, isn't it? used to love the british countryside, gets so lush this time of the year. enjoy your week (which hopefully will treat you with more sunshine than rain :)

  10. beautiful post. I love cow parsley too

  11. Oh yes, Eau de Countryside After Rain ... I'd certainly buy it :)

  12. A damp end to May is still lovely, isn't it? Rich and green and fragrant... Glad you're savouring it too!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Sarah x

  13. We got a bit soaked on a boat last week but it was fun none the less. Great colour on your photographs. Jo x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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