Tuesday, 2 July 2013

mile a minute

Thanks to Jane's investigations I can now reliably inform you that my climber is a russian vine, also known as mile a minute or fallopia baldschuanica.

If you pop it into a search engine you will find lots of articles about Russian vine.  It is often problematic in urban areas due to its spread and growth speed.  It grows incredibly quickly and is often used for screening buildings or garden eyesores but when left to its own devices it can invade neighbouring gardens causing problems.

In our garden the vine is growing on a trellis which screens our fuel tank and behind our garage.  The climber isn't a problem here as we live in the countryside and have no immediate neighbours.

Mr F has given the plant a very ruthless cutting back each year and so far it has been easy to manage.

This is how it looks at the moment.

Despite its faults Russian vine is very pretty and providing you have the room and motivation to cut it back, it really serves its purpose and more importantly, the bees adore it.  So for now it is here to stay.

Thanks again to Jane for her help in identifying the climber and also Sabrina for taking the time to search. I really appreciate your help.


  1. *waves* Lovely to find your blog.

    The Vine looks SO much better than a fuel tank.

    noodleBubble X

  2. I like it. It's lush and green, which is worth a lot. And it's always good to attract pollinators to any area.

  3. Wow its like something out of a sci-fi movie with growing so incredibly fast :o) I love that the bees love it, well done in keeping it under control and enjoying all its benefits xox Penny

  4. I want one i love it when things grow quickly and cover up less attractive spaces....
    Daisy j xxxx
    Ps i am back blogging and have missed you!!

  5. Although it is not a weed, I am a little partly to cow parsley growing up in random tow paths! Dx

  6. Thanks for all the info - I've been looking for something to cover our side fence so must look into that, as I like the fact that it grows quickly and am quite happy to keep it trimmed.
    Have a happy week,

  7. I've been looking for something to cover a fence and this might just be the answer. Its looking much better. Xo

  8. Oh, no problem, I wasn't very useful!

    My horticulture teacher always says that the most important thing about gardening is choosing the right plant for the right place... Sounds like your Russian vine is the perfect example. Unruly in other places, but perfect for your situation here.

  9. Pretty! and good idea to hide the fuel tank :)

  10. any vine that covers ground/space quickly and gets such a beautiful effect is a good one in my eyes!! I love the look of a vine creeping across a fence or wall.

  11. This is very pretty Bee! I love how it's hiding your fuel tank. Great it's attracting the bees too... they 'll be great for your garden :) Hazel x


Thank you so so much for taking the time to visit .... it's always really lovely to hear from you.

I love to read your messages .... please stop by again if you've asked me a question or want to chat.

Bee x

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